Thursday, September 25, 2014

How Life Changed Me (Part 2)

Related-with previous post.
Actually i know the reason why i've changed.

The core of the changes is simply because of life. As life i went through as a teenager, i did have a crush on someone, i fell in love, i had a date, and of course i fell a broken heart as well.

But, because i am a melancholy and a perfectionist guy. I believed that even gay could have a probability that could just only date one person (the right one, the first love) for living together, happily ever after. And i wanted to be like that so badly. But you know, dating someone means it's not only you who work on relationship. Sometimes a relationship shaky, even break up. That's actually a normal thing. In the end, we broke up, i had a broken heart. I found myself quite depressed that time.

I need one and a half year to move on from my first ex. It is really a long period of time, right (sigh). And i think i lost the old of me, on the process of moving on.

What i got as a lesson from relationship is: Don't love someone too much, because that too much thing could hurt you so much. Well, so many quotes about love, when you read it, actually some of them are contradict from one and another. Just believe what you like, but you have to be open minded to read and understand the other contradict quotes. Maybe for now you can't believe the contradict one, but when you had a broken heart or other hurt things, you will start believe at one and maybe leaving other quotes that you believed before. Regardless of everything, it's all quotes are made by human

Well, thank God that i know the bad things of my personality and i am trying to fix it. I don't want to fix the bad things because of anyone, but because i know that this is bad influences, and i should leave it.


  1. hey... komen pake indo aja yah...
    gw jg ngerasain prubahaan sih, wlopun blom pernah pacaran...
    mngkin u masih masa2 paska broken jadinya merasa gt.
    Padahal klo orang2 skitar u mngkin tidak melihatnya demikian.

    ga tau u dulunya gimana, tp u yg skrng msih cukup 'funny' kok
    masalah brubah gitu, gw rasa yg penting u jadi diri sndiri aj...

    - Dora's Cow -

    1. Thanks for dropping a comment here, Dora's Cow :)

      Ya, people changes. everything happens for a reason, right? mungkin ini salah satu pelajaran buat gw belajar dari hidup. Life won't always give us the sweet things, will it? hehe.

  2. One thing, don't let a heartbreak decide who you really are.

    1. actually it was. lol
      i will more careful next time, hehe.
